Sensual adult fiction from Singapore

Original Singapore Sensual, Erotic & Thriller fiction titles


0 thoughts on “Comedy/Drama

  1. Hi can I buy the series for magic alone ?
    The link to the webstore don’t work and I can’t find it by browsing

    1. Hi Neb, I removed magic from the store because it’s being edited for grammar and flow. I’ll work towards having it back up on the webstore by June.

    1. Hi Rif, have dropped you an email and regenerated the download:) . Thank you for supporting my work ❀️

    1. I also sent you a seperate email with the files attached. Have re-uploaded the files into a single zip. Can you try again to see if it works ?

    1. Hi, this title has been cycled out of subscription. It will go back into the list of offerings in the coming months πŸ™‚

    1. Maybe Company trip to Thailand where a kidnapping is staged, sending James and wife to a scam call centre there they are subjected to various forms of torture. In the end, it was revealed it’s only to get James acclimatised to seeing his wife being used by other men.

  2. Hi James,

    So, this is the conclusion to the epic stories that everyone of us here have been following for the past few years. I have just started on Home and on Chapter 3 now.

    You’ve created a story that is very engaging and most of us love. Keep up the good work and hope to see more works from you in the near future.

    Btw, I recalled you created an event timeline for TBW which was shared in the old blog. Is it possible for you to edit and share it here?


    1. Hi KH, Yes, Home will be the final wrap up to TBW saga. Originally planned with 20 chapters, it’s now stretched to about 24-25 once the main editing got underway. I’ll create a new timeline and update the post this few days. Hope you are enjoying the read so far!

      1. Hi James,

        It has been an engaging read so far, and I like every bit of it. Can’t wait for the next update of the story.

        But it’s a stark contrast compared to the previous books (TBW, BTILI, THIBT and even Skills Future). In previous books, almost half of the story is used to build the characters before jumping to the action – more like your LL features. But in Home, it’s all-out-action from the word GO – more like FF features.

        Personally, I prefer LL features, but you need to juggle the pacing of the story and cramp lots of characters into a single book. It’s not an easy feat and you’ve done superbly. Kudos to you.

        Keep up the good work and looking forward for new adventures from you as James.


      2. Thank you for reading and supporting my work all these while KH. I’m glad you enjoyed the read so far. I haven got the timeline uploaded yet, will try to get it sorted out over CNY. Happy CNY to you and your family!

  3. Hi James. Happy CNY, and thank you for the fantastic story. Would you be able to tell me when is the drop for chapters 15-16? I have been checking the blog every day. Thanks

    1. Hi, 15-16 is scheduled for end feb. Am trying to tidy up the rest of the edits for release. The story got extended as i edited it. There are some scenes which i felt deserve more attention to. We should be looking at 25 ish chapters give and take base on current edits.

  4. Enjoy your well deserved break ilikeock!! Looking forward to new inspirations for your stories after your trip!