Dear cherished readers,

I’m sure you have noticed the recent changes in the visuals i used for new titles. Some older titles have had their visuals replaced as well. They are all generated by AI.

I’ve been doing a lot of experimenting with the technology, it’s simply mind blowing. There are limitations of course, and the trick lies in using the right prompt and then enhancing the results with your own editing programs.

I’ve tried and played around with no less than 20 different types of picture generation and post editing software and i think i’m confident enough to start using it for the site’s visuals requirements. I’m not stopping at just picture generation.

I can now put the face of anyone onto the video of an actress depending on the angles. I figured out how it’s done and it can all be done offline without an internet connection. I did it with my wife’s face on a Jap AV and she was horrified to see the results. No i did not get a praise, i got a slap and a kick in my balls instead.

Well, i’ve always wanted a video of her in a gangbang, but i guess she’s not amused to see herself in the middle of a Japanese Onsen surrounded by bald old men. She threatened to castrate me when i’m sleeping if i do that again with her face.

AI is fun to play with and i could see how dangerous the technology is in the wrong hands. And no, i’m not switching path to produce AI porn, even though i’m pretty sure that is a up and coming industry in the future. I’m going to try and create more visuals, ( non -nudes ) that can aid story telling. Have subscribed and paid for a few AI software to do this, i’m excited to share the results.

Also experimenting with AI generated audio books. It’s a lot of work, especially the conversation part and i’m still figuring out how to work the emotions in.

I’m going to put up an audio book of ‘My jog in the park’, one of my very first short story in a week or so. The visual for the title has been updated, and perhaps, having audio books for the titles on this site is the next step i can take in my journey to write full time.

I hope AI can enhance the magic of the worlds i create, providing everyone with a more immersive and visually engaging experience.

This doesn’t mean a departure from the essence of what this site has always been. 

I’m still going to continue writing and creating worlds.

Thankfully for me, this is not something that AI can take over…for now.

Not yet anyway.

James S